Thursday, April 17, 2008

3 things...

1.  If a box is labeled "Recycling ONLY" what would you put in it?  Well Jason apparently feels that used kleenex and paper towels, french fries, bread crusts, chicken bones, and an exploded pen all qualify.  Are you kidding me?!?!  No joke he put chicken bones in there.  What a flipping dumbass.

2.  Here's another scenerio, you want to watch TV but your roommate is sleeping, what do you do?  A. Wake him up and ask if you can watch TV guaranteeing he's awake, or B. Just start watching TV and only MAYBE wake him up.  Which would you choose?  Jason chose A. and asked me four times if he could watch TV while I played asleep.  BTW, he eventually just watched TV anyways.

3.  Complaining gets old, and so does his sleeping habits.  So Wednesday night, he goes to bed around 7:30, but at 10 we had a floor meeting.  The RA comes around and knocks on doors, thus waking him up.  On the way back from the meeting, he's complaining about how he woke up for that, like shut the hell up dude, nobody's listening or cares!  Not only do I not care, but nobody on the floor even knows OF him since he's never around.  So he immediately goes back to bed at 10:10, but I wake up this morning and find him sitting up in his bed staring at me!  Holy Shit was that scary!  And of course now he's back in bed, 17 HOURS after he first went to bed, wake the fuck up and do something kid.  I don't even know if he goes to class or what his deal is, but if people think I'm a sloth, Jesus, this kid's infinitely worse.


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