Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's 4AM, do you know where your roommate is?

I do, he's entering my room and then attempting to make something in the microwave, again, this is all at 4 in the F-ing MORNING!  But would you believe that it gets worse?  So at 9:30, a mere 5 1/2 hours later, he's up and walking about.  Entering and leaving the bathroom every couple minutes, again using the microwave pushing as many of the buttons that beep when pushed as he can, and eventually, leaving conveniently right at 10:57, 3 minutes before I need to get up.  So, while he got 5 1/2 or so hours of sleep, I got less than 5 and am REALLY in a crabby mood.  At least now whenever I get up before him, I'll have no reservations about playing my music while I'm in the shower whether he's asleep or not, I don't care.


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